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Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314)
 * This is a static class containing the system-supplied data types
 * which may be given to a {@link Ext.data.Field Field}.
 * The properties in this class are used as type indicators in the
 * {@link Ext.data.Field Field} class, so to test whether a Field is
 * of a certain type, compare the {@link Ext.data.Field#type type}
 * property against properties of this class.
 * Developers may add their own application-specific data types to
 * this class. Definition names must be UPPERCASE. Each type
 * definition must contain three properties:
 *   - `convert` : Function<br>
 *     A function to convert raw data values from a data block into
 *     the data to be stored in the Field. The function is passed the
 *     collowing parameters:
 *       - **v** : Mixed<br>
 *         The data value as read by the Reader, if undefined will use
 *         the configured {@link Ext.data.Field#defaultValue defaultValue}.
 *       - **rec** : Mixed<br>
 *         The data object containing the row as read by the Reader.
 *         Depending on the Reader type, this could be an Array
 *         ({@link Ext.data.reader.Array ArrayReader}), an object
 *         ({@link Ext.data.reader.Json JsonReader}), or an XML element.
 *   - `sortType` : Function<br>
 *     A function to convert the stored data into comparable form, as
 *     defined by {@link Ext.data.SortTypes}.
 *   - `type` : String<br>
 *     A textual data type name.
 * For example, to create a VELatLong field (See the Microsoft Bing
 * Mapping API) containing the latitude/longitude value of a datapoint
 * on a map from a JsonReader data block
 * which contained the properties `lat` and `long`, you would define a
 * new data type like this:
 *     // Add a new Field data type which stores a VELatLong object in the Record.
 *     Ext.data.Types.VELATLONG = {
 *         convert: function(v, data) {
 *             return new VELatLong(data.lat, data.long);
 *         },
 *         sortType: function(v) {
 *             return v.Latitude;  // When sorting, order by latitude
 *         },
 *         type: 'VELatLong'
 *     };
 * Then, when declaring a Model, use:
 *     var types = Ext.data.Types; // allow shorthand type access
 *     Ext.define('Unit',
 *         extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
 *         fields: [
 *             { name: 'unitName', mapping: 'UnitName' },
 *             { name: 'curSpeed', mapping: 'CurSpeed', type: types.INT },
 *             { name: 'latitude', mapping: 'lat', type: types.FLOAT },
 *             { name: 'longitude', mapping: 'long', type: types.FLOAT },
 *             { name: 'position', type: types.VELATLONG }
 *         ]
 *     });
Ext.define('Ext.data.Types', {
    singleton: true,
    requires: ['Ext.data.SortTypes']
}, function() {
    var st = Ext.data.SortTypes;

    Ext.apply(Ext.data.Types, {
         * @property {RegExp} stripRe
         * A regular expression for stripping non-numeric characters from a numeric value.
         * This should be overridden for localization.
        stripRe: /[\$,%]/g,

         * @property {Object} AUTO
         * This data type means that no conversion is applied to the raw data before it is placed into a Record.
        AUTO: {
            sortType: st.none,
            type: 'auto'

         * @property {Object} STRING
         * This data type means that the raw data is converted into a String before it is placed into a Record.
        STRING: {
            convert: function(v) {
                var defaultValue = this.useNull ? null : '';
                return (v === undefined || v === null) ? defaultValue : String(v);
            sortType: st.asUCString,
            type: 'string'

         * @property {Object} INT
         * This data type means that the raw data is converted into an integer before it is placed into a Record.
         * The synonym `INTEGER` is equivalent.
        INT: {
            convert: function(v) {
                // Handle values which are already numbers.
                // Value truncation behaviour of parseInt is historic and must be maintained.
                // parseInt(35.9)  and parseInt("35.9") returns 35
                if (typeof v == 'number') {
                    return parseInt(v);
                return v !== undefined && v !== null && v !== '' ?
                    parseInt(String(v).replace(Ext.data.Types.stripRe, ''), 10) : (this.useNull ? null : 0);
            sortType: st.none,
            type: 'int'

         * @property {Object} FLOAT
         * This data type means that the raw data is converted into a number before it is placed into a Record.
         * The synonym `NUMBER` is equivalent.
        FLOAT: {
            convert: function(v) {
                if (typeof v === 'number') {
                    return v;
                return v !== undefined && v !== null && v !== '' ?
                    parseFloat(String(v).replace(Ext.data.Types.stripRe, ''), 10) : (this.useNull ? null : 0);
            sortType: st.none,
            type: 'float'

         * @property {Object} BOOL
         * This data type means that the raw data is converted into a boolean before it is placed into
         * a Record. The string "true" and the number 1 are converted to boolean true.
         * The synonym `BOOLEAN` is equivalent.
        BOOL: {
            convert: function(v) {
                if (typeof v === 'boolean') {
                    return v;
                if (this.useNull && (v === undefined || v === null || v === '')) {
                    return null;
                return v === 'true' || v == 1;
            sortType: st.none,
            type: 'bool'

         * @property {Object} DATE
         * This data type means that the raw data is converted into a Date before it is placed into a Record.
         * The date format is specified in the constructor of the {@link Ext.data.Field} to which this type is
         * being applied.
        DATE: {
            convert: function(v) {
                var df = this.dateReadFormat || this.dateFormat,

                if (!v) {
                    return null;
                // instanceof check ~10 times faster than Ext.isDate. Values here will not be cross-document objects
                if (v instanceof Date) {
                    return v;
                if (df) {
                    return Ext.Date.parse(v, df);

                parsed = Date.parse(v);
                return parsed ? new Date(parsed) : null;
            sortType: st.asDate,
            type: 'date'

    Ext.apply(Ext.data.Types, {
         * @property {Object} BOOLEAN
         * This data type means that the raw data is converted into a boolean before it is placed into
         * a Record. The string "true" and the number 1 are converted to boolean `true`.
         * The synonym `BOOL` is equivalent.
        BOOLEAN: this.BOOL,

         * @property {Object} INTEGER
         * This data type means that the raw data is converted into an integer before it is placed into a Record.
         * The synonym `INT` is equivalent.
        INTEGER: this.INT,

         * @property {Object} NUMBER
         * This data type means that the raw data is converted into a number before it is placed into a Record.
         * The synonym `FLOAT` is equivalent.
        NUMBER: this.FLOAT